Saturday, June 22, 2013

It may not be UNESCO designated...but may be it should be

Memento Park is quite an interesting place.
Its a park within Budapest that has amassed a collection of the communist era statues that once were prominently featured thoughout the city.
It even has the remains of Stalin's statue (just the boots - all that is left after they tore it down during the 1956 revolution).

Thursday, June 20, 2013


One great thing about working as an expat at a fly-in/fly-out rotational job is that you don't have to "fly-out" back to your home country. You can spend the rotation traveling anywhere in the world that you wish. And you don't actually have to fly-out at all. You can spend your rotation exploring the country in which you work.

I love to travel and explore the world.
And I use the UNESCO World Heritage List as a starting point when planning my travel.
My goal is to visit and photograph as many of the 962 properties as I can in my lifetime.

This past month I managed to visit three UNESCO World Heritage sites in Hungary and Austria.
I also managed to visit a few other interesting spots on the trip.

Next I plan to visit two more UNESCO sites here in Senegal.
Expect photos in the near future.